Thursday, July 17, 2014

Piggybacking on immigration, Ku Klux Klan sweetens the pot, delivers candy

The Ku Klux Klan in their Sunday Best
(Photo credit:

With much of America being riveted by the scenes of abandoned children left, defenseless, on this side of the border, an old dragon has reared its head to take full advantage of the situation.  The Campus Lately is reporting today that the residents in one Seneca, SC, neighborhood awoke Sunday morning to find that the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) fairy had visited during the night and left bags of sweets in their driveways.

The small plastic bags contained peppermints and other candies, as well as a pamphlet bearing the title “Save Our Land Join The Klan”.  Robert Jones, the Imperial Klaliff of a local sect called the Loyal White Knights said that the event was part of a scheduled recruitment drop that many KKK chapters participate in three times a year.  He said all of the immigration hoopla underscores the need to protect our country and that all of the hype over illegal immigration is doing “all of our recruiting for us.”  He claims to have received over 20,000 interested calls as a result of this weekend’s drive-by goody bag drops. (Continue reading full story here.)

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